Welcome to Lunchbox!

We are pleased to share that Lunchbox will be offered at your school for this upcoming year.

 LunchBox Ordering

LunchBox Weekly 
  • The ordering deadline for each week’s lunch delivery is Sundays at 12:00 pm.
  • Orders may be placed weekly or in advance for any number of days within the school year

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·         The weekly deadline to place lunch orders for the upcoming week is Sunday at 12:00PM; we are unable to accept any orders after this deadline.


·         If you need to make any updates or changes to your lunch orders, please do so before Sunday at 12:00PM for the upcoming week.


·         For any order cancellations, please notify us 2 days prior to the delivery date. If this is not possible, please contact your school to make alternate arrangements for the meal.


·         If there is a school closure, lunches will be cancelled, and a credit will be issued to your Lunchbox account within 3 business days.


·         We have updated our Refunds and Credits Policy; please review the updated terms at https://identity.schoolcashonline.com/Account/Terms.