This year AFS students will begin a new French program called AIM (Accelerative Integrated Method), designed to help them achieve fluency quickly. It will use the Gesture Approach, where students learn a gesture for each new French word. The focus will be on verb-based vocabulary to help with oral fluency. Reading and writing will also be taught early on.
Mme. Musallam, who attended the AIM Workshop to incorporate AIM learning into French classes, will use hand gestures while speaking in class. Students will be expected to repeat the words and speak only in French. The gestures will help them connect words to their meanings and communicate even if they forget the words.
This revolutionary approach uses stories and music to teach French. The focus will be on plays that students will learn to perform, along with accompanying songs. The Gesture Approach will also be used to help students learn and remember important vocabulary. There will be an equal emphasis on developing all four language skills through varied activities that cater to different learning styles.
To succeed in French, AFS students will need to participate actively in class, learn the stories, work cooperatively in groups, learn the gestures and word associations, participate in songs and games, complete class work on time, keep corrections up-to-date, and seek help when needed.